You will continue treatment at home with Clexane®.
Here is what you need to know:
Clexane® is administered by a subcutaneous injection, between the skin and adjacent muscle,
in “anti-thrombosis” treatment.
Sites of injection :
- Abdomen : avoid the periumbilical area (2 fingers around the umbilicus)
- Thigh
You can administrate this medication yourself but please be aware of
the following subjects :
If in doubt, ask the health professional for further explanation.
- Before administrating this medication, please control the prescription and be sure that the dosage is the right
- Clexane is administrated 1x/day
- Always change the side of the injection (right side vs left side)
- Never inject any medication in a hematoma, wound or red spot
Before the injection :
- Wash your hands
- Do not expel the air bubble of the syringe, if you don’t see an air bubble, set the syringe to the side and use a
- different one
- Make yourself comfortable in a half-lying or sitting position
- Disinfect the injection site using a compress saturated with an alcohol skin disinfectant
How to proceed ?
- Insert the needle into the skin fold at a 90° angle
- Press the plunger until all of the medicine is injected
- Do not let go of the skin fold while you are injecting
- Remove the needle by pulling it straight out
After the injection :
- Do not press or massage the skin after the injection
- A burning sensation after the injection is usual
- In case of allergic skin reation, do not hesite to contact your doctor
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